Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the questions we are most frequently being asked:
What Deposit do i need ?
we do not take deposits just full payment on completion of work
What forms of payments do you accept?
SOLAR:-,cheque,cash,bank transfer
ONLINE:-paypal and credit cards can be organised at a cost
What are your warranty terms & conditions?
All items have different warranty's please read description
if description does not contain information please email us.
All solar systems installed by Twin solar have labour warranty's
- 10 year labour warranty inverter
- 10 year labour warranty on panels
-10 year on racking
- 7 year labour warranty wiring , switchboard & isolators
*All isolators used have insurance for your home against damage
Please ask about manufactures warranty's
Is there any maintenance Involved ?
Under cec guide lines we supply you with a maintenance schedule on completion .
With a grid connected system there is very little maintenance required. Electronic components should benearly maintenance free. Cleaning of panels may be done once a year .This can be done with a stiff broom .
Will my system make 100% of the panel rating ?
You should expect between 70-90% out of the rated value of your panels . So a 5kw system you would expect to get 3500-4500w at any one time on a sunny day .This is due to all solar panels rating is done in a factory at a temperature 25degrees and at maximum lux (1000m2) (Lux is a rating of light radiation)
Location of Solar Panels ?
Location does not all ways need to be north .If you use a lot of power after 11.00 am west facing roof would give you as much or more benefit than north .Same goes for east if you use a lot of electricity in the morning.
Do I need a 3 phase inverter if I have 3 phase power ?
“NO” Smart meters work out total usage on all phase at one time . Then subtracts total solar produced at
time of production. (This is Australia wide ,New Zealand is different) .
What is the difference between dc coupled and ac coupled?
Dc coupled :- means you put all your solar into your batteries. You use the power from your batteries at all
times .The up side of the system is these systems can be installed at a cheaper rate
Ac coupled :- systems are great due to you can use the power directly from your solar panels instead of
your Batteries . Being able to do this enables your system to give you a much higher output by adding more
solar panels .If Ac coupled system’s are used correctly you can also reduce the amount of batteries.
You also increase your battery life due to that you will be taking power from them less often.
What panel should I get “MONO” or “MULTI &POLY” ?
- Up to about 2012 the only good panels where MONO.
- After 2012 to 2015 “Poly and MULTI ” (Same Products different
names) became cheaper to
manufacture and efficiencies became as good
- 2015 –2018 Now poly panels are not made over 280watts easily
so now all manufacturing is slowly moving to MONO all the teir
1 manufactures are making Mono panels
What brand should I get ?
When buying solar systems it is important to purchase from large Manufacturers . If a manufactures product is only sold by one company this means that they personally hold the warranties of these products .
Rod only recommends buying from manufacturers that sell through a minimum of three large wholesalers . It is important that the manufacturers have an office in Australia .This enables easy access of stock and warranties
Still got questions? Contact us>